Interested in being a part of the SC Tots team?

Click the link to sign up below, and our Preschool Director will contact you for more information.

Meet the Preschool Director!

Natalie Sledge

If this is your first time here, we are happy to guide you where to go and what to do in order to ensure a great morning here at Sharon Church!

Your first stop will be our check-in stations located in the lobby outside the Warehouse. Here you will use our program, KidCheck, to register and check your child in each Sunday morning. During your first visit, you will be asked to enter information regarding your child such as: parent names, phone numbers, email addresses, your child's birthday, and any allergies your child may have or other information you would like us to be aware of.

Once you have successfully signed up and checked in, two sticker labels will be printed out. One label will be placed on your child. This label will include information about your child: their name, birthday, allergies or notes that you have entered into the program. Placing the label on your child will ensure that anyone working in the Preschool that morning will know any information they may need. The other label will be used after service when you come to pick your child up. It will have a matching symbol to the one on the label that was placed on your child before dropping them off. Showing your label to the teacher in your child's classroom shows them that you belong together! You will check in to KidCheck at our check-in stations each Sunday morning as you arrive.

After checking in, we will be more than happy to help you find the room that is best suited for your child, based on their age!

Preschool Director

Natalie Sledge is our Preschool Director here at Sharon Church. You can reach her at

Plan your visit