Missions are very important to us at Sharon Church. We encourage all of our families to be part of a mission in some capacity. Being involved in a mission doesn’t necessarily mean that you must go to another part of the world. At Sharon we are active in both local and international missions. Check out a few of our missions that you can be part of.

On Campus

We view opportunities within the four walls of church as a type of mission as well. We have ways that you can impact a life for all eternity and never have to leave the building. Consider serving in our nursery, children or youth ministries, be a greeter at a door, sing or play an instrument in our praise band. We can help find you a place that best fits you. Contact Daryl Sanders, and he will assist you in finding that perfect spot.

Feeding In His Name

A team from Sharon serves at Calvary Refuge Center every fourth Saturday of the month. Calvary Refuge Center provides emergency and transitional housing and food for homeless individuals and families. Here is how you can help:

  • Help prepare meals
  • Help serve meals
  • Donate blankets, gloves, toiletries
  • Donate financially

To get connected, contact AJ Cannon.


Sharon is active in international missions.

We have had the pleasure of partnering with churches in Chinandega, Nicaragua since the early 2000's.  Pastor Marlon leads a very effective ministry that focuses on impacting the community for Christ.  Pastor Marlon has an active ministry to the children and youth of Chinandega and many come to know the Jesus as their Savior through his outreach.  We have had the honor of helping plant several churches in Nicaragua and we will continue looking for more opportunities to impact the Kingdom through this mission.  For more information on Nicaragua missions, contact Daryl Sanders.


Each year a group of students and adults from Sharon travel to Guatemala to express Christ's love to orphans and widows. Our desire is for those who attend to understand that we can minister to those outside our country and to return with the desire to do so in our community. We help start micro businesses in order to provide an income flow for families. We provide water purification equipment to those in need, and when resources are available we enjoy doing home construction as well. For more information on Guatemala missions, contact Codi Schutz.


Carolyn Hines is currently involved in mission work in Romania. Her heart goes out to the many children of the Romas (gypsies). Seeing children in dumpsters digging for food is heart wrenching. Knowing so many never hear that God loves them is even tougher. To help Carolyn in reaching children for Jesus in Romania, consider helping her financially by giving through our Sunday morning offering time. For more information on Romania missions, contact Carolyn Hines.

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