


Unexpected by Kristen Koontz

by: Jeremy Gardner



Luke 1:57-66

57 Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. 58 Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her. 59 On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him Zechariah after his father. 60 But his mother said, “No; he is to be called John.” 61 They said to her, “None of your relatives has this name.” 62 Then they began motioning to his father to find

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Realizing the Gift of Rest

by: Kyle McClendon



This weekend marks one of the busiest weekends on the calendar for most Americans outside of major holidays. A time where people gather for cookouts, tailgates, and time with family to enjoy a long weekend to celebrate one of the more underrated days in our country: Labor Day. Labor Day, of course, is an ironic name for this day because it is a day when a majority of Americans take a break from their labor and instead focus their day on leisure. The name makes sense when y

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The Weight of the Cross

by: Kyle McClendon



Growing up, we would hear story after story about the meaning of Easter and why it was worth celebrating. For many of us, it didn’t matter what our parents or Sunday School leaders said; Easter was a day worth celebrating because it meant we got candy from a giant anthropomorphic rabbit. The resurrection of Jesus wasn’t really weighing on my brain or on my soul at that point. I guess I thought, “If he is already out of the grave and it is empty, why bother digging it again

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Beholding Jesus in 2021

by: Kyle McClendon



This week we will be seeing dozens of posts, blogs, articles, videos, etc. about the year that we as a people just went through. The good, the bad, the new, and the old will be discussed over and over in the days to come. However, this will not be one of those stories. We’re going to glance backward for a second but above all else I want our vision to be forward and, most importantly, upward. We all have hopes that next year will be better than this year and we all want th

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Advent Resources: Recommendations from Teaching Pastor Jeremy Gardner

by: Kyle McClendon



As we move into Advent season, our goal to equip and surround our community with solid, reliable resources to spur them in growth in the Gospel still stands. Below, you will find a list of resources that Jeremy Gardner, our Teaching Pastor at Sharon Church, recommends for individuals and for families. 

Links are provided for each resource, as well as a quick note as to why the resource is on this list at all. 

Waiting Here For You: An Advent Journey Of Hope By Louie Giglio


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Resource Highlight: A Gospel Primer

by: Kyle McClendon



This past Sunday, we wrapped up our walk through the book of Ephesians after a 13-week journey. Like any of Paul’s letters, there was plenty to take away from this book of Scripture but if we spend any significant time in any part of the Bible, we begin to see a common theme--especially in Paul’s writings: the Gospel of Jesus is everything!

In the final message of the series, Jeremy Gardner gave three points of application for us based on the entirety of Ephesians:


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A Call to Covenant Living

by: Kyle McClendon



By: Greg McGaha, Sharon Church Student Pastor 

May this blog begin with John the Baptist’s quote to his own disciples found in John 3:30. “He (Jesus) must become greater; I (Greg) must become less.” There is nothing good in me apart from the grace afforded me at the Cross. This grace to have received the infusion of the Spirit of the living God inside my earthy vessel. To know my family is to know we are a family filled with very real people that are on a journey stumbling

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The eternal hope of the Gospel

by: Kyle McClendon



Today is November 3, 2020. It is a Tuesday. It’s election day. This means many of us woke up with a different feeling in our hearts, stomachs, and minds than a typical Tuesday morning. That feeling may be anxiety; it may be fear; it may be excitement; and it may be hope. In America we are often raised to believe that the weight of the world rests in days like today and that the outcomes of elections like this one will decide the fate of the church and of Christians in Amer

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